Good Documentation

There is a great writeup about documentation at That site states that there are four kinds of documentation: tutorials, how-to guides, explanation, and reference. Reading this made me realize why I like using R so much. Not only does R have great documentation but it also follows many of the points listed in the above link. Every time I use R's documentation I invariably learn something new or make some connection which had escaped me in the past.

R's documentation

One of the primary reasons why R is my favorite tool is its amazing help system. R's help system is invoked by using ? command. For e.g., if I want to learn about lm (linear model) I just type ?lm in the console session and it will open up the help related to that function. R's help system can be a great source of learning if you know how to peruse it. Here's how I go about using it:

The brilliance of R's documentation system is that it aids in most of the different tasks listed in the link above. The brief Usage section at the top of the documentation page and the Examples section at the end of the page give you a self-contained tutorial and how-to guide! The Details section provides the Explanation about the function and all its input parameters where as the Value section explains the output of the function. The See Also section shows how this topic is related with other similar topics which helps in learning how this function fits into the R environment. All these various sections not only aid in your data exploration but also helps you in getting a better understanding of the R environment and the tools it provides.

Vijay Lulla -- 2021.03.12 ... Permalink